Xinhua Headlines: Video game "Black Myth: Wukong" takes...

"Black Myth: Wukong" not only represents a significant achievement in game development, but also acts as a bridge in cultural storytelling, introducing elements of a treasured Chinese narrative to a global audience. In terms of sound effects, tradi...

In the era of artificial intelligence, the younger generation stands at the forefront of transformation. AI is not only a technological innovation but also a test of the abilities of the youth. How should the youth meet the opportunities and challe...

So the challenge is not only to complete a process that was underway, but also to stop this pandemic so that we can recover some of the lost ground this year.我认为这个过程...

We know that the COVID-19 assistance from China may not cover the needs of all affected countries. We are also aware that some political forces are mischaracterizing our in...

Both ...and/ not only…but also/ A and B都属于并列结构,前后连接成份要一致。这句not only 后边是动词短语,but后确是 to the government’s decision。所以我们可以改成Newspapers exert such tremendous influence that they cannot only bring about major chang...

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